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The Merry Man Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscope 9th September - 15th September 

We are proud to present to you our weekly horoscope by The Merry Man. Little is known of this mysterious astrologer, primarily due to his desires for secrecy. We honestly don’t know much, and the little we do, we have sworn never to tell. We are however extremely lucky to have him as our resident astrologer. Watch this space, there is much more to come from this fascinating individual. As for the codes at the end of each horoscope? Nobody knows!


“The heavenly gold which guides us home”

21st March – 19th April


The transition nears its end. We stand in the light, with all eyes upon us. Be mindful of those who resent such actions. Their resistance to change is not our concern. Once we wandered, but the Stars have led us back home. Our heart longs for the fields of tranquillity. Let us reflect on the wisdom we gained. Break free from old habits, Aries. Renewal nourishes the spirit. Do not fear what remains unfinished; we hold all that is required. The time of reconciliation is at hand. The energies of the past return to us with welcome warmth. TF 93 514

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20th April – 20th May

“The Mask of Gods made holy by the sands"


The Bull must understand that only ourselves can halt the course laid before us. We possess the key to our victories. The Universe has been generous, guiding us towards the pathway of our dreams. Why do we tremble at the thought of change? We must work to restore balance so that our confidence may flourish once more. We stand on the brink of great accomplishments. We must find the courage to take the first step. Gaze into the mirror. Trust in our value. Our transformation is destined. Our purpose shall unfold. FG 09 582 

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“Reunited in the Heavens of everlasting love”

21st May – 20th June


The upheavals of life have impeded our growth. Our dedication to the circle shall be praised. We have given much, Gemini. Now is the time for renewal. The process of rejuvenation has commenced. As the alignments offer their support, we too must reach out to others. We cannot achieve everything in such a limited time. Focus shifts back to old projects. Creative sparks reignite passions once faded. Ambitions rise anew. We are summoned to adapt. If our faith remains steadfast, others shall follow. KS 56 238

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“The eternal protector, blessed by the hand of Gods”

21st June – 22nd July


We must welcome the new and venture into the realms of the possible. The oddities of late shall soon unveil their purpose. We must give voice to the inner tension. Be ready for the clashes within the circle. Our voice must rise above the rest. Do not dwell on the politics of others; the moment is fleeting and undeserving of our passion. Concentrate on purifying the spirit, Cancer. Banish the negativity. Light the sage. From this, creativity shall flourish. Reach out to others. Our wisdom is a gift to those who are willing to hear. The selfless spirit shall find countless rewards. RF 85 02

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“The light of the appointed, the heart of the brave”

23rd July – 22nd August

As we navigate the waves, we conquer our trials, bidding farewell to the storms of old. Mistakes were inevitable; such is life, Leo—no one escapes these burdens. What truly matters is how we steer ourselves forward and apply our newfound wisdom. Make space for kindred spirits, as they seem to hold our best interests at heart. Collaborations shall thrive. An open heart shall earn profound recognition. The path is only partially laid. We must keep our eyes on the collective goal. Fresh energies inspire, and new connections are formed. TH 73 574

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“Transcend before me, Mother of fertile dreams”

23rd August – 22nd September

To confine the mind from the possible is to remove the possible from our journey. Hopes and dreams can only be realised when the time is right. We must explore the many paths before making our commitment. The hectic energies of late shall ease. Should our faith waver, we risk falling to the lowest depths. We are about to embark on a new adventure—one that shall test us before it grants its rewards. Our understanding of ourselves shall deepen. Remember, Virgo, we are surrounded by goodness. Others shall support our ascent. The answer to our quest shall reveal itself in due time. CC 36 274

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“Justice balanced by the essence of love”

23rd September – 22nd October


Reflection in our words is the key. We must always pursue the light, even when our journey takes us through the dark. Let our judgments rest upon the deeds of others, not their beliefs. In time we shall understand this truth. Courage brings its reward as we venture into the unknown. An open mind is a magnet for opportunity. Walk the road less travelled, Libra, for we shall discover there is always more to learn. A fresh perspective often yields more than we anticipate. Our line is drawn in the sands of the heart; we must honour its desires and never abandon its principles. GN 04 888 

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“The King of Kings. The Hunter of Hunters”

23rd October – 21st November

As the fogs of uncertainty clear, the Scorpio must ready themselves for what lies beyond. The resolve we have demonstrated shall be met with reward. Offer gratitude to the axis, for it heralds a wave of new beginnings. Our true purpose shall soon emerge. The circle is essential to our advancement. Release the negative. Our dreams hold meaning. We are the architects of our tomorrow. A welcome surprise is unfurling. A strong foundation is being laid. We must strive to preserve the balance, lest our efforts be in vain. CA 594 22

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“The eternal gift. For I am the reliever of sorrow"

22nd November – 21st December


Do not worry about where our influence does not reach. Why spend our energies on what lies beyond our grasp? Focus on bridging the gaps of uncertainty, both for others and for ourselves. The burdens of the past must be confronted directly, for they seek to regain control. Remember, we are stronger now than ever before. Strive to disperse the lingering shadows, so we may shed the weights that held us back. Stand firm in our principles. Let our voice resonate. How refreshing it is to see the true Archer return—the true guardian of our spirit, the conqueror of hearts and minds. Our journey has only just begun. BC 55 482

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“As the sands fall, the gate of the Gods shall rise” 

22nd December 19th January


The moment of reflection has passed; now, we must choose our path. Our intuition has led us this far, navigating us through uncertainty. Fear not, for soon we shall welcome new beginnings as the gifts they truly are. We shall come to see that our hesitation was misplaced. Rejoice, Capricorn, for a transformation is unfolding. From the ashes, we shall emerge victorious. A newfound confidence shall ensue. The circle is reshaped. This is nature restoring the harmony. In time we shall lend our name to many worthy endeavours. CT 07 314

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“We are the keepers of knowledge, the bearers of dreams”

20th January – 18th February

As we press onward toward our aspirations, a more measured approach shall favour the Water Bearer. Our fire may be misunderstood, for few share the depth of our passion. Ignore this truth, and we risk severing the bonds we hold dear. Measured thought must guide our next step, for our decisions can change the course for many. Distance ourselves from the conflicts of others; we have our own battles to face. We msu strive to make balance our reality. True happiness is found within the whole. LC 358 592

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“A tale of two tails bound together with eternal love”

19th February – 20th March

We must guard the flames that burn within, the inner energy that fuels our every action. Be cautious, Pisces, for outside influences can stoke these fires, leaving us drained of their true strength. Rest and recovery are not signs of weakness. A renewed spirit is the key. We shall need resilience for what lies ahead. Under the sun, creativity shall bloom. We must remain steady and composed as emotions swirl around us. Collaboration shall bring triumph. The shadows of the past have no place in our tomorrow. Our compassionate nature shall soon be called upon. EN 65 737

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