The Spiritual Month of October
Written by Black Cat Tarot at Psychic Mix
October is about balance. But it is also about endings and new beginnings. Being a 10 and 1 number means no matter where you are in your life, regardless of who you are, where you are at, what stage of your spiritual journey you are on— whether you are looking for work, working, or retired; this month is all to do with your learning experience.
Whatever you’re doing— or not doing in your life— something will manifest this month. Something that you need to learn will reveal itself in one specific subject. This month is about the reflection and respect for that knowledge or that desire to learn new ideas.
At the same time, you will receive some important news unique to you, assisting in your advancement, and no doubt it’s going to help you to realize that you are approaching the end of a problem you may have been dealing with.
October is about overcoming obstacles

October brings all types of unexpected events to help you realize where your place is. It is all about overcoming obstacles and challenges and heightened realization. It has been a tough seven months, and your energy may feel drained. It is vital to clear your energy space and balance yourself. Raise your vibration by singing; this helps to create a powerful spiritual armor during this month. It is more important than ever to prepare yourself this month— as, after the last few months, this opportunity to manifest is coming fast.
In October, you will feel the determination that has been lacking recently. You will feel more confident and will accomplish a lot by the end of the month. In the second part of October, you will feel very creative even if you feel down or negative. You will start doing things that you love doing, and then you’ll see this energy change. During this time, you will discover something powerful—the beginning of something new, that will keep growing.
October is about new opportunities
In the last seven days of October, you will have clarity as opportunities present themselves to you. You will feel balanced as specific information appears. You will see conclusions to problems you may have had, which will bring instant healing into your life.
On the 30th and the 31st of October, there will be a realization as to which part of your life you will need to place more of your energy. Whatever you need to complete your project, more comes to you. On top of that, there is the spirit that is coming through to you. It’s going to come forward, and you will know who this is.
And Halloween of course...

The 31st of October is Halloween, and where the veil between this world and the spirit world is thinner. It is also when the spirits are around us. These are more about our ancestors, the people who used to be in our lives, and those spirits who are keen to come through and help us with guidance. It will feel wonderful, and it is going to elevate you spiritually. You will be rewarded for your hard work. It will confirm that you are on the right track or you're about to be placed on the right path. But most importantly, you will know that this is the time for the ultimate change in your life. Remember to make choices from your heart.
About the Author: Black Tarot Cat

Black Tarot Cat specializes in; Spirituality, Psychic Medium. Tarot, Numerology, Covert Connection, online relationships, love, and career and seven-year cycles.
If you would like a private reading with Black Tarot Cat you can chat with her LIVE at Psychic Mix